Rockport Civic League: Conversations with the Candidates
Friday, April 215:30—7:00 PMBrenner RoomRockport Public Library17 School Street, Rockport, MA, 01966
What is happening: Moderator Tom Mikus will ask each Candidate to answer the questions provided in the Candidate's invitations.
After answers by Candidates: Public asks questions of candidates through the Moderator and the Moderator directs Candidate(s) to answer. Each person has 5 minutes. One question and answer per person.
Topic: Candidate Forum 1 - Rockport Civic League
Time: Apr 21, 2023, 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
To Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 6070 5494
Sponsor: Rockport Civic League
No Registration Required