Notable Fiction Book Club: Secondhand Time by Svetlana Alexievich

Monday, September 254:30—6:00 PMTrustees RoomRockport Public Library17 School Street, Rockport, MA, 01966

This NY Times Best Seller is both literary and historical. It is a sensitive reveal of Soviet/Russian voices and culture from the days of Stalin to Gorbachev. Then in 1991 they were suddenly just Russian. Alexievich tells stories from kitchen tables to machinations of the powerful. The author Svetlana Alexievich won the 2015 Nobel Prize for literature.

Contact:   Email to add your name to the Notable Fiction list and you can then be sent a Zoom invite to this meeting and upcoming meetings. We will email out questions about the novel a few days before the meeting. This is a timely conversation and should be a good meeting. Please join us.

Availability:  Book is on order at the Circulation Desk at Rockport Library. 

No Registration Required