HYBRID: Rockport Civics League meeting
Thursday, November 93:30—5:00 PMBrenner RoomRockport Public Library17 School Street, Rockport, MA, 01966
ZoomRockport Public Library17 School Street, Rockport, MA, 01966
Everyone is welcome. For anyone who can't join us at the library, here is the Zoom info:
Topic: Rockport Civic League
Time: Nov 2, 2023 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 844 3034 6082
Passcode: 449919
RCL 11/2/23 Agenda
1. Welcome our Invited guest from the Rockport Affordable Housing Coalition
Mary-Jo Curley and Barbara Kaplan
November 2nd in Library at 4:00 p.m.
2. Plan for the Housing Matters Forums by RCL
What is the RCL purpose for the Forums? To inform residents about major new housing proposals before they are voted on or implemented.
Number of Housing Forums: 2 initially.
Structure of Forums -- panelists, moderator, presenters, etc.
Invited experts, guest speakers:
Forum dates:
Public outreach and advertising of Forums:
3. Once we decide on all the above, WORK GROUPS can then form to work on each forum and come up with key definitions and questions to be addressed at the forum.
Multifamily housing workgroup
The issue: Proposed zoning changes for Rockport to allow for up to 758 units of multifamily in one contiguous area of Rockport -- per the Bohler Engineering Map and Plan
Key definitions: "by right"; multifamily, 3A requirements for Rockport; Transit-Oriented Development (TOD), TODOV (Transit Oriented Development Overlay District), mixed-use development, housing density per acre
Questions that Multifamily Housing Forum should address:
For example:
What are PROS and CONS of allowing up to 758 units of multifamily to be built in Rockport?
Affordable housing workgroup
The issue: Could be this: Rockport has less than 5% affordable housing but the State says we need to have 10%. How do we get to 10%?
Key definitions: What is affordable housing for state purposes and on the ground in Rockport
State planning & incentives -- Chapter 40B, Housing Production Plan, Chapter 40R
Rockport entities -- Rockport Housing Authority, Rockport Affordable Housing Trust, Rockport Affordable Housing Coalition, The Rockport Community Land Trust
Affordable housing developers -- Harborlight Homes housing in Rockport
Questions that Affordable Housing Forum should address:
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