HYBRID: Rockport Civics League meeting
Thursday, October 193:30—5:00 PMBrenner RoomRockport Public Library17 School Street, Rockport, MA, 01966
ZoomRockport Public Library17 School Street, Rockport, MA, 01966
Rockport Civic League
Everyone is welcome.
If you can't join us at the library, here is the Zoom info:
Agenda items
1. Discuss all actionable items from last meeting.
If the RCL membership wants to take any action, please volunteer by contacting us at RockportCivicLeague@gmail.com before next RCL meeting October 26, 2023.
If no one volunteers the action will not take place. In your email be sure to indicate what actionable item you are interested in. Please include your email and cell phone number to facilitate the group development. Your Board of Organizers are anxious to assist you toward success.
Bill leads
2. No new volunteers for the Board of Organizers
Currently have Bill, Zenas, Tom, Will.
No other members volunteered yet.
List of duties and responsibilities in our notes.
3. Any item a member wants to bring before the members must be sent to wtobin48@comcast.net before the October 19th RCL meeting at 4:00.
Zenas leads if item received.
No Registration Required